Exclusive Black Business Network Generates Over $49M Despite 2020 Setbacks – TSP Mastermind
Traffic Sales and Profit mastermind cohort proves that Black-owned businesses can thrive, even through the COVID-19 crisis. (ATLANTA, GA) July 22, 2020: It has been reported that 41% of Black businesses have closed for good due to COVID-19. That fact is a devastating...
How to Take Professional Photos with Just Your Smartphone (+ How it Can Generate More Sales!)
As we all know, we are living in the digital era of social media where images and their quality are extremely important especially in business. If you want to make your products and services stand out from the rest, professional-quality imagery is a must-have. But not...
The Power of the Pivot in A Post Pandemic America
Entrepreneurs,as most of you know, usually at some point in your business life cycle you will need to make a shift and change the way you are doing things in order to see success. In fact, a lot of us have seen this over the past 6 months. Just because one thing...
5 Reasons Why You Aren’t A Successful Entrepreneur
So after years of stalling and giving up, you finally decided to step out on faith and start your business. Great! You’ve made up your mind that this is it. But if you’re not careful, you’ll bump into the 5 mistakes most entrepreneurs make that...
The Secret to A Successful Side Hustle
Did you notice? 2020 is the perfect time to strike up a side hustle But what about the pandemic? Now, more than ever people are realizing that anything and everything can and will happen; which means you need to be prepared for not just a rainy day, but a steady...
Brand Health Check: Ask Yourself These 3 Questions To ENSURE Your Story is Being Told Right
Is your brand story hemorrhaging as a result of COVID-19? Lately, everyone’s focus has been on staying safe and healthy as we come off of stricter quarantine protocols and begin to get back to a semblance of normal life. However, just because YOU aren’t physically...
Is E-commerce the Smart Move for Your Business After Quarantine?
In the current world state, with the impact of coronavirus on all types of large and small brick-and-mortar businesses across the world, putting a focus on e-commerce has never been more essential. An unprecedented number of small businesses have closed forever as a...
Here’s How You Can Offer the Support Your Community Needs Right Now as a Black Entrepreneur
2020 has been a year of unexpected struggles; this is especially true for Black Americans and their communities all over the country. On top of being subject to the brunt of the COVID-19 outbreak with the CDC reporting 33% of hospitalized patients being black, being...