Before you think about getting people on your email list you have to position yourself as the expert. You can do this by creating an outstanding opt-in offer that gives insight into what you have to offer overall. Your goal should be to get more eyes on your content, increase your leads, and convert more sales. If this sounds like something you need, keep reading to learn how to create opt-ins that lead to more revenue.
Earlier this week Tai Goodwin the CEO of Profit Momentum and creator of Quiz & Grow Rich, stopped by the TSP Facebook group to share her expertise on creating the perfect opt-in offer.
Here’s what you should know about Tai Goodwin:
Tai Goodwin is the CEO of Profit Momentum and creator of Quiz & Grow Rich. She’s an award-winning instructional designer with 20+ years of experience creating learning experiences for Fortune500 companies like Barnes & Noble and tech startups like Leadpages.
A firm believer that wealth and spirituality are not mutually exclusive, Tai teaches experts and entrepreneurs how to grow their business without burning out. Her specialty is helping them leverage marketing automation to generate leads and increase sales.
How to Create an Outstanding Opt-In Offer
- Find the right offer
- Discover the right tools to use
- Drive more traffic
Find the right offer
Your opt-in offer is the bridge that takes your customer from only being interested in your product or service to actually making a purchase. It’s important to make sure that your opt-in connects directly to your offer. It has to be result-driven and gives the potential customer a quick win. Your overall goal is to give the customer a sample of what you have to offer.
Include a strong call to action that drives the conversation. Your opt-in offer should give them the why and what without sharing an entire step by step guide.
Discover the right tools to use
When creating an opt-in you need to have the following tools in place. You will need landing page software, email responder system, and graphics. In addition, videos are the best method to get your message out. Create compelling video content and utilize it on your landing page.
Drive more traffic
Now that you’ve created your landing page and have email automation in place you now need to get more eyes on your offer. Invest in ads via Google, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Connect with other brands and create JV partnerships to leverage their audiences and cross-promote. Do Facebook lives, create a podcast, and seek speaking opportunities. The more you promote the better.
Are you currently using opt-in to grow your business? Let us know below in the comments.
If you’re having trouble finding the right opt-in offer for your business click here to download Tai’s 52 Lead Magnet Ideas:
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